

Monthly Pricing Summary

USD $69/mo billed annually

USD $79/mo billed monthly

Get started
  • Unlimited students
  • Payment integrations
  • No transaction fees
  • Marketplace access
  • Premium website themes

You'll get premium website themes, free hosting, payment integration, unlimited courses and students licenses with zero transaction fee.


Monthly Pricing Summary

USD $119/mo billed annually

USD $129/mo billed monthly

Start trial

Everything in starter plus

  • Sales CRM
  • Email automations
  • 25% off on marketplace courses
  • Course certificates
  • Successful candidate registry

You'll get everything in the Starer plan plus Sales CRM, 25% flat discount on content marketplace, 2 billing currencies, email automations, course certificates and more.


Monthly Pricing Summary

USD $549/mo billed annually

USD $599/mo billed monthly

Start trial

Everything in professional plus

  • Branded mobile apps
  • 20 Sales CRM users
  • 50% off on marketplace courses
  • Sell unlimited courses from marketplace
  • 30GB cloud storage/ user

You'll get everything in Professional plus branded mobile apps, 50% flat discount on content marketplace, dynamic multi currency pricing, add unlimited courses from the content marketplace and more.

Benefits of hosting in the cloud

Get immediate access to our latest features with automatic upgrades

No servers, no storage, no maintenance — we host your site for you

Security and centralized administration

SAML single sign-on

User provisioning and deprovisioning

Free SSL certificate and secured payment processing

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find the detailed pricing for trainingPro subscription in the above table. For enterprise and self managed solutions contact our sales team.
Ofcourse! Your first 7 days are on us. Sign up for trainingPro to get started. If you love it, you can continue using trainingPro by simply providing us with your payment details.
Yes, you can do both. You can upgrade your subscription instantly. You can downgrade or cancel your subscription at the end of the term.
At trainingPro, we take data security seriously. Our servers are hosted in a world-class data center that is protected by 24-hour surveillance and we ensure that our application is always up-to-date with the latest security patches.
Monthly subscriptions are payable by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or American Express). Annual subscriptions can be paid via credit card, bank transfer, or check.

Try Tyootr for free, and explore all the tools and services you need to start, run, and grow your business.

Try Tyootr free for 7 days, no credit card required. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Tyootr.