Trademark Guidelines

We've developed these guidelines to ensure our company trademarks are properly displayed and remain undiluted across our customer, partner, and plugin ecosystems. Among the reasons our trademark guidelines are important include:

  • We want our brand and brand names to be associated with awesome tools that help every educator unleash their full potential. The more focused the use of the brand, the more powerful it will be in the community.
  • More people and companies are building content and becoming partners or ambassadors of Tyootr and our products. They are asking for additional guidelines around how to market, design and brand their plugins and products so they (1) complement the Tyootr product "family", and (2) are distinct from from Tyootr products and brands while remaining part the Tyootr community.
  • We want to avoid potential conflicts that may arise. If your brand is not clearly differentiated, customers may struggle to identify who to work with or what to buy. As a way of protecting our brands, as well as the best interests of our 3rd party content developers and customers, we are publishing these expanded guidelines.

Our Trademarks

Tyootr uses a number of terms and logos as active trademarks in branding its products and services, including those displayed in the chart below. Tyootr has also registered or applied for registration of some of these trademarks around the world. We have done this to protect and preserve the marks for our community of customers, developers, partners, and supporters for the benefit of everyone involved with Tyootr. By this we mean that people should be able to recognize when a product is from Tyootr.

Your use of the Tyootr trademarks must be consistent with these trademark guidelines, which include additional guidelines that may apply to you based on your relationship with Tyootr. If you wish to use an Tyootr logo, the logo should be sourced from an official Tyootr site, used without modification, and follow relevant usage guidelines.

Although many of Tyootr’s trademarks are illustrated below for convenience, Tyootr’s trademark rights are not limited to the marks contained in the chart. Tyootr monitors the use of its trademarks and reserves the right to request that third parties modify or terminate any use that violates these Guidelines, creates a likelihood of confusion, or dilutes Tyootr’s trademarks.

Word Mark




Gigs by Tyootr

Tyootr meet

Logo Mark

For Our Customers and the General Public

Tyootr embraces “fair use” of its trademarks. As such, you may use the foregoing trademarks to identify Tyootr and its family of products, for example, in your website, blog, news article, or product review, without our written consent, as long as you use them without modification or deceptive intent and do not cause a likelihood of confusion between yourself and Tyootr’s brands.

For Our Partners and Vendors

Tyootr recognizes that there is a large ecosystem of authorized partners and vendors whose businesses are intertwined with the Tyootr brand. Accordingly, Tyootr provides these guidelines to ensure that all parties are clear as to permissible uses of Tyootr’s trademarks. As a general matter, our authorized partners and vendors have permission to use Tyootr’s trademarks to promote Tyootr and its products, or your own related products and services, provided that the trademarks are used in unmodified form in accordance with these guidelines, without deceptive intent, and without creating a likelihood of confusion between yourself and Tyootr’s brands

Logos. Tyootr logos are distinctive graphic renditions. You may use the Tyootr logo or product logos to promote Tyootr, its products, or your own related products or services, provided that the logos are duplicated exactly as shown in the preceding link, without any modification (aside from re-sizing), and without combining or transposing Tyootr’s logo with your own logo. You should also review the aforementioned logo usage guidelines to make sure the specifics of your use are appropriate. All other usages of the Tyootr logos require the written approval of Tyootr.

Naming. In the Tyootr ecosystem, the Tyootr product names are often used in naming for compatible 3rd party products. Below are some guidelines for using Tyootr product naming conventions in your work:

  • It's okay to use Tyootr's trademarks in the name for your compatible software product . However, it must be clear that your product is a third-party product and not a product offered by Tyootr.

Tyootr discourages its partners and vendors from using company names that includes Tyootr trademarks, as that leads to complications with the domain name restrictions discussed below.

Domains. Tyootr’s trademarks (or similar terms) should not be used in your domain name. This is misleading because it represents you as Tyootr. You may, however, use Tyootr trademarks in the URL path. Examples of approved third party domains include: and Examples of third party domains that are not approved include:,,,, etc.,

Moreover, your website should look like your website, not ours. It should not borrow heavily from or closely resemble Tyootr's website or web properties. For the sake of customers and consumers, clearly distinguishable websites help everyone.

Additional Guidelines. Please note that depending on your relationship with Tyootr, additional limitations may apply to your use of Tyootr’s trademarks. In particular, Tyootr marketplace vendors are subject to the Tyootr Marketplace Vendor Agreement (note section 15 on Trademarks) and the Tyootr Brand Guidelines for Marketplace Vendors. Tyootr authorized partners should review the terms of their agreements with Tyootr and the Partner Brand Guidelines posted on the Partner Portal for any additional limitations that may apply to the use of Tyootr trademarks. Tyootr’s authorized partners and vendors are also subject to its Adwords Trademark Policy governing the use of Tyootr trademarks as keywords in search advertising. The Tyootr Brand Guidelines for Marketplace Vendors, Partner Brand Guidelines, and Adwords Trademark Policy , as amended by Tyootr from time to time, are incorporated into these Trademark Guidelines in their entirety.

Filing for Trademark Protection. While authorized Tyootr partners and vendors may use Tyootr marks and logos, subject to these Trademark Guidelines, to promote Tyootr and their related businesses, this permissible use does not confer any ownership over the Tyootr trademarks. As such, authorized partners and vendors should not file for legal protection for trademarks that contain, or are confusingly similar to, any Tyootr mark or logo.

Tyootr Style

In addition to trademarks, Tyootr has developed artwork, screenshots, and imagery for our website and other web properties. Tyootr's website "look" or "feel" should not be reproduced or mimicked for the same reasons cited above: consumers can be confused about whether they're dealing with Tyootr or another company. Similarly, Tyootr’s proprietary Charlie Sans font should not be used by third parties, including partners or vendors, unless it is included in materials provided by Tyootr and approved for third party use. The Tyootr website and creative works embodied therein are the intellectual property of Tyootr. Reproduction or "creative borrowing" of the website or of individual artworks, screenshots, or imagery without permission is a violation of Tyootr's copyright.

If you have any questions about the use of Tyootr marks or logos, please contact us at

Reporting Copyright and Trademark Violations

Tyootr respects the rights of copyright and trademark holders, as described in this policy. This policy is incorporated by reference into the Tyootr Cloud Terms of Service (the “Agreement”). Terms used in this policy shall have the same definitions as in the Agreement or our Acceptable Use Policy, as applicable, except where otherwise noted.


Tyootr does not allow copyright infringing activities on Tyootr’s Cloud Products or websites (our “Services”). We will remove a party’s data or content from our Services if properly notified that such data or content infringes on another's copyright rights. Tyootr has a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances, the accounts of parties who repeatedly infringe copyright holders’ copyrights. You are a “repeat infringer” if, on more than two occasions, you have been notified of infringing activity or have had Your Data or content removed from our Services. Tyootr also reserves the right to terminate Your accounts suspected of infringing copyrights upon the first incident without further notice, at our sole discretion.

If you believe that any content in our Services violates your copyright, you should notify Tyootr's copyright agent in writing pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3). The contact information for Tyootr's copyright agent is at the bottom of this section.

In order for Tyootr to take action, you must do the following in your notice:

(1) provide your physical or electronic signature;

(2) identify the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by the notice, a representative list of such works;

(3) identify the item that you think is infringing and which is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and include sufficient information about where the material is located (including which website) so that Tyootr can find it (such as the item’s URL);

(4) provide Tyootr with a way to contact you (such as address, telephone number, or email);

(5) provide a statement that you believe in good faith that the item identified as infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law to be used by Tyootr; and

(6) provide a statement that the information you provide in your notice is

  • accurate, and that
  • under penalty of perjury, you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner whose work is allegedly being infringed

We will promptly notify the alleged infringer that you have claimed ownership of the rights in this content and that we have complied with your takedown notice for the content.

Here is the contact information for Tyootr's copyright agent:



Trademark owners should make an effort to directly contact an offending third party before submitting a trademark infringement report to Tyootr.

If you are a trademark owner and you believe in good faith that any content on our Services or infringes on your trademark rights, please inform us in writing or at the notice address for Tyootr indicated in the Agreement. Your notice must include:

(1) Identification of the trademark(s) claimed to have been infringed, and, if registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or similar foreign entity, the registration number of the mark(s);

(2) Identification of the material claimed to be infringing and information sufficient to permit Tyootr to locate the material, such as the specific URL where the trademark appears on the Services;

(3) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the trademark in the manner complained of is an infringement of the rights granted under United States or foreign trademark law;

(4) A statement that the information in the letter is:

  • accurate, and
  • under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed trademark; and

(5) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the trademark that is allegedly infringed.

Once you submit the report to Tyootr, our team will begin a brief investigation and will take action that it deems appropriate under the circumstances. If more information is needed from you, we will reach out via e-mail.

Tyootr reserves the right to reclaim usernames on behalf of businesses or individuals that hold legal claim or trademark on those usernames. Accounts using business names or logos to mislead others may be permanently suspended.

But please note that Tyootr is not in a position to adjudicate complicated trademark disputes between third parties. Therefore, we are not in a position to act on reports that require a complex legal analysis or factual investigation. In those instances, we encourage you to contact the third party directly to try and resolve the matter. In fact, you should consider doing so even before filing a report with us, as it is often more effective in resolving the dispute.

If we decide to take down content in response your report, please note that we will provide your report and contact information to the affected party, who may contact you directly regarding the matter.

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